"We're on a journey to create stunning, one-of-a-kind candles that are as exciting to give as they are to receive. And honestly... we’re thrilled to have you along for the ride!"

Paola| Owner (Texas 🇺🇸 )
Paola is a traveler who found her home in 🇺🇸, a lover of everything related to art, creative by nature is passionate about creating and designing. I am in charge of making the products, design, content creation, Marketing, packaging, among many other things ...🤭
Maureen| Co-owner ( Spain 🇪🇸 )
Maureen a scrapbooking lover paperlover, collector of great moments who loves to create and surprise with personalized details and care to the maximum ... I am in charge of photography, social media, and content creation.
It all starts with two sisters Paola and Maureen who share among other things the passion for creativity in all its forms, for creating experiences, situations and things that make our environment and day to day a more beautiful place to be and share ... Hence the idea of creating Pink Flamingo Candle "love your memories" was born ... Since we needed to translate that feeling and concern into something tangible that we could share with the rest of the world ...
We know how important our senses are and that is why we have created a series of quality products with the best ingredients to experience a complete feeling of well-being and happiness.
This project would not exist without the blessing of having each other, since even in every little detail we have both participated in the creation of each product and that separately we would never have achieved this result of which we are very proud.
It has been a process from which we have learned a lot, and we know that we still have a lot to learn.
We sincerely hope that you like and enjoy each product, as we have made it with great love and enthusiasm.